Digital Marketing +

Since 2002….

Learn more about our marketing services

Website design


Since 2002 we have been providing Social Media Marketing for small businesses and startups.  Success in the digital era is driven by creating a digital marketing plan where your business is the life of the party. Your marketing should entice your audience to want to connect and engage with your business. Simply put, your online marketing should encourage your target audience to become involved and remember your brand.

Best platforms to advertise on

Which social media platform is your audience spending time on? Know your audience and meet them where they’re at.

Facebook . Pinterest . Instagram . Twitter . LinkedIn . YouTube


We offer one-on-one training and consulting sessions to small business owners and staff which is specific to your business. We help you learn about social media platforms, find ones specific to your needs, and then create them. Training and consulting sessions are great for startups or any businesses in the digital world who want to learn more about the ins and outs of social media and digital marketing. Training sessions are a cost-effective way to educate yourself and train your staff.

Packages offered

Pricing is done per project and is based on clients unique needs.

Fresh Start . Great for people who do not currently have a social media presence for their business. We will help you create your social media presence.

Remodel . Analyze and “remodel” your current social media presence.


We build and teach you how to maintain your new website. Find out more.


We offer custom retreats to anyone wanting to put together their own group of creatives. All you have to do is greet your guests at the door!  Retreats can be anywhere from 3 to _ and can be designed for any creative, art medium, or occasion you desire.  We have some specific locations across the country and in Italy, or we can find the best venue for your needs.



Snoops ahoy!

Why do so many business owners neglect the overall look of their business interior? Here is an example for you…I was recently visiting out of town friends and we decided to have a spa day. Looking for a massage therapist we found one online. called and made an appointment and drove over to where it was located, which happened to be in a really cool area. Upon driving up to the building, we all kind of looked at each other and said, I don’t think so!

What we saw when we drove up was a poorly made sign for the business. I could tell someone tried to just free hand make it. The curtains were fabric that were poorly hung and the colors used were dark and dingy. Looking through the window, I could see not a lot of effort was put into the walls or furnishings either. The really sad part of this? The next day we happened to talk to some people who raved about this massage therapist. We are guilty of “judging this book by its cover.”


You may not be getting a lot of new or repeat business because, quite frankly, the customer service of your employee’s sucks!

Have you ever gone into a grocery store and as your items are being rung up, the check out clerk and person bagging the groceries are engrossed in their own personal conversation? Do you like to go into a store and see the employees chewing and snapping gum? Employees referring to your elderly parent or grandmother as “hey you guys”?

We provide individual and group etiquette help to employees and business owners. Our first order of business may be to visit your business once or even several times to find out what goes on when the owner isn’t looking. We can then write up an assessment of our findings and work with you to implement some changes.